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Photography Workshop in June

Mr. Keren Su, the creator of these three boutique lodge, is a renowned professional photographer. He will give a 3-day photography workshop at Yangshuo Gallery Lodge in June. He will share his photography tips, travel experiences and his best works. You will find so much joy using the camera to capture the beauty in our life! 

Date: June 12-14, 2018

Place: Yangshuo Li River Gallery Lodge

Early June is a marvelous time in this area with glorious sunrises and sunsets. People who love photography can still enjoy the quiet before the summer crowd hit. 

Early June is also one of the best times for photography in Longji Rice Terrace. Farmers fill the terraces with water, plough with water buffaloes and plant rice seedlings. The local ethnic people in their colorful clothing adds a unique beauty to the magnificent scenery. We highly recommend you go there if you can spare a few days and we can design your trip route, arrange lodging and transportation. Please contact us if you are interested.

Li-An Lodge:    18178300536, 0773-7583318

Gallery Lodge:  18977398551, 0773-8778998

Li River Lodge: 13377326970, 0773-8701189